In partnership with Indianapolis Public Schools and Ivy Tech Community College, Elevate Indianapolis launched a new programming pathway that serves 9th-12th grade public school students as they complete the Indiana Common Core program.
The Youth Opportunity Foundation (YOF) has signed a Letter of Intent to assist in furthering the mission of Elevate Indy through a partnership dedicated to providing grants and in-kind services to further efforts with the vulnerable youth of the Indianapolis community, supporting the expansion of this IPS College Common Core program.
The Indiana College Core is a block of 30 dual credit hours of college-level coursework which can be transferred among all Indiana public colleges and universities. In addition to all the benefits to students of completing high school and pursuing post-secondary education, families save $4,200 to $10,500 in college tuition costs.
In January 2023, Elevate began its first cohort in this pathway, serving over twenty 9th grade students at Arsenal Tech High School. As these students complete their diploma, they will benefit from all of Elevate's traditional elements, a dual-credit Ivy Tech-106 personal development course taught by Elevate teacher-mentors, and providing extensive wrap-around mentoring that includes, but not limited to:
- Next level college and career and personal “life mapping.”
- Extensive workshops focused on overcoming past trauma.
- Quarterly experiential leadership interactions designed exclusively for this cohort.
- Weekly after-school programming for advanced social-emotional, leadership and character development.
This new model intends to reshape the culture of high schools to become launching pads for career development through post-secondary training and education. It aims to cultivate the next generation of urban leaders who can help Indianapolis become a model 21st-century city.
"The Elevate team is the perfect expert partner to support this work, taking what they have learned with the existing Elevate course sequence and modifying it to meet the needs of college-bound students, most of whom aim to be the first students in their family to attend college." - Ms. Mel Coryell, Executive Director of Postsecondary Readiness Indianapolis Public Schools
Elevate estimates a $1.9M total is needed to realize the full potential of this innovative model over the next 4 years. The YOF has committed to this collaborative supportive partnership with Elevate Indy to support scaling of Elevate’s expansion of the College Common Core Program, providing 24/7 wrap-around mentoring and support for students, with college & career programming to Indianapolis Public School students.
Youth Opportunity Foundation's mission to reach vulnerable young people resonates deeply with Elevate's work and vision. Together, with Elevate Indianapolis, we seek to realize the expansion of the College Common Core Pathway offering an unprecedented opportunity to support urban youth in public schools who aspire to attend college.