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Join Us in Supporting Urban Students: An Initiative to Make a Difference

Written by
Aaron Story
Published on
May 16, 2024

We are excited to share an important initiative that has the potential to transform the lives of urban students in our city. These young individuals are facing significant challenges related to poverty and inequality, and now more than ever, they need positive and caring adults to help guide them through these difficulties.

To provide the essential support and build long-term relationships that lead to positive outcomes, we need to make a significant investment. Our goal is to raise $150,000 in essential funding before our fiscal year ends on June 30th. Achieving this goal is crucial, and your support plays a vital role in making this possible.

How Your Contribution Helps:

  • Year-long Classroom Learning and Character Development: Equipping students with the knowledge and values needed to succeed.
  • Workforce Skills Preparation: Preparing students for future careers and economic independence.
  • 24/7 Access to Teacher-Mentors: Offering one-on-one support through all of life’s ups and downs.
  • Sports and Adventure Programming: Encouraging new experiences and opportunities crucial for overcoming trauma.
  • Goal Setting and Post-Secondary Preparedness: Paving the way for upward economic mobility and helping students achieve their personal goals.

Elevate Indy believes that “No One Gets There Alone,” and your generosity can support students on their journey to achieving their best. With your help, we can ensure that students receive the support and resources they need to stay on track and reach their dreams.

How You Can Make a Difference:

  • Donate Online: Visit
  • Text to Donate: Text “ELEVATEINDY” to 53-555
  • Mail a Check: Send to P.O. Box 441456, Indianapolis, IN 46204

Your support can make a significant impact on the future of these students. If you are able, please consider making a special gift before June 30th to help us meet our goal. Your donation will ensure that Elevate Indy can continue to provide vital programming and support, helping students stay on track to achieve their goals and dreams.

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